Wednesday, June 10, 2009

I long for knitting...

... how can I tell I'm not getting enough knitting time in? (Other than the fact that neither the sweater or sock are growing.) I long to make a blanket. I've been looking at lots of blankets on Ravelry in my 30 second breaks (this is one of those).

I HATE blankets. BORING! Who wants to knit miles and miles of knit stitches? ME! I just want to knit.

This morning I finished my sample unit for the company I used to work for, so hopefully they will accept that and I can write a full unit. I am also super busy with freelance company #2, though not nearly as hectic of a schedule as last week. Tonight will be a very late night, but it is my fault- this morning I worked on other things (that needed to get done), and this afternoon I have been procrastinating, plan to go skating, and watch SYTYCD. No wonder nothing is getting done.

I also heard back from freelance company #1 some feedback on a lesson I wrote, and it was very positive. Since they were somewhat critical of one of my other submissions, I was very happy to hear they really liked this one. That bodes well for future assignments.

I had planned to post a picture of the Ain't No Sunshine sock, but alas, I've procrastinated enough, so here is another boring entry without a picture.

In skating news- I thought I had managed to not pull my hamstring yesterday, but today it's aching like crazy. Guess I can't handle attitude position. (While spinning it's the hip flexor that yells at me, but the next day it's the hamstring.) But it's exciting to have the start of a layback. Not that I'll EVER do one of those.


Anonymous said...

I know how you feel. I've been studying all day and now I'm longing to knit anything at all. I also have been planning all day so I can watch SYTYCD tonight. I can't wait to see all of the top 20 dance!

Linda said...

Blanket? Isn't it a little summery out there for blanket longing? Glad to know you are getting good comments on your work!

Jessim said...

Ah, but Linda if I start a blanket in the summer it will be READY by winter. If I start it in the winter, then when summer rolls along I'll have a nice blanket :)

SuzyQ01 said...

You know, if you have enough socks in your drawer, you can always knit me some. Or, you can teach me, but that would be hard via long distance ;p