After dinner the UPS guy finally pulled up in front of our house. He didn't ring the door bell or do anything to alert me that he had been there (thanks guy) but I saw the truck. And then, on the doorstep, was this:

Turns out, they ship the oil cloth on bolts. I kind of feel bad, because this order (1/2 yard each of 2 designs of oil cloth, 2 yards of insul-bright batting, and 1 1/2 yards each of two different types of knit fabric, and some shirting) only cost me $30, no shipping costs. I'm not sure made any money on me, because this must have cost a lot to ship.
I love it all, and I also got a bias strip maker! The cherry design on the oil cloth is a lot larger than I thought it would be, I thought it was tiny cherries- oops. But I just need it for sandwich wrap linings, so it doesn't really matter. I LOVE the pink slub rayon knit, so we'll have to see how that sews up. The burnt-orange looking rayon knit is kind of a weird fabric, I think it might end up kind of hot and yucky to wear, but the idea is to try all the fabrics I can to see how I like sewing them.

Now I just need to find some time to sew. This week marks the halfway point of my first class at Lesley. I need to get to work on my mid-term paper. It's due tomorrow!