Kevin and I really like to camp, but we haven't gone in a long time. First, with preperations for my skating competition, I couldn't give up a Saturday (when my lessons are). Then, I'm just super busy with school, and a lot of that work takes place on the weekend. My first summer session ended Friday, and the new one didn't start until today, so I had a weekend off. I canceled my lesson and we headed out to Lake Macbride to go camping.
I'm not sure you can call it a success, but it wasn't a failure either.
Last year, Kevin bought a dutch oven. And we never used it. We still haven't. We packed it up,ready to make cobbler, our plan for Friday night, but when we got out there Friday night, we were tired (I had stayed up super late on Thursday finishing a paper that was due Friday night, but I wouldn't be around to submit) and hungry (it took us longer to pack up than I was expecting) so I mentioned we should just have our (incredibly yummy fajitas) and make s'mores. Dinner was delicious, and then I went to bed while Kevin played with the camera.
Here is where the fail comes in: Lake MacBride apparently does not have ANY flat campsites. Our campsite was quite sloped, which is fine, just point the feet down the hill. Well, it turns out it was really sloped in two directions. It was impossible to sleep without falling into the corner of the tent, because you'd roll both sidesways, and slide down. Additionally, we need to work out a better cushioning system now that we are old. It was not a comfortable night.
Now, when camping, you always wake up earlier than normal- usually at first sunlight. Nope, Kevin and I were both awake at 4:00. Absolutely ridiculous, but it turned into a blessing in disugise. We went on a walk, came back, Kevin had breakfast while I tried to sleep some more (I was still full from dinner! I've been doing shakes for meals, so having real food really filled me up!) Then Kevin went kayaking while I played with the dog, and then we took a nice little hike along the road into the camp. He said the kayaking was nice, but there isn't much to see along the lake, or hiking (there were people fishing everywhere!)
Well, around lunchtime (chili dogs) it started to rain. It had been cold and dreary all day, and the rain was just another annoyance. Kevin and I discussed it and we decided the weekends are short enough- except making cobbler we had done most everything we came out to do (kayak, eat, hike) and since it wasn't a Scout trip with a purpose there was no reason to sit all day in the rain. We packed it up and went home :(
So Saturday night was spent doing laundry, a little bit of sewing (another placemat- I need to quilt it for my class on Thursday), and watching Saved By the Bell (Season 3 and 4 on DVD- love it!). Sunday I spent getting a head start on my classes (I'm taking two- it's going to be killer!) and I went and picked up my new skates (very nervous about trying them out...)
Of course, Sunday was a LOVELY day, would have been nice to have it while camping (although the thunderstorms were awful at night, so that would NOT have been good).
And now, it will be at least 8 weeks before I can go camping again... taking two classes at a time is going to be rough.
Oh, and we did have the cobbler when we got home: and it was SO good. But we still haven't used the Dutch Oven.