So even though I had a ton of homework this weekend, I managed to fit in a quilting weekend. (The quilting served as great procrastination yesterday as I wrote a paper, and even better today as I didn't get any work done at all on this week's assignments- oops.)
So I posted a while back about some fabric I bought for a quilt from Quilt Magazine. I finally got some assembling done, and all the blocks are built and I just need to assemble now! That is exciting.
I also am a "real quilter" now, as I finally got a large acrylic ruler. My yardstick just wasn't doing it anymore for long strip cutting. I also learned during my binding class that you really shouldn't rely on the measurements on your cutting mat, so this ruler is an exciting treat for me. When I went to Joann's to get it, I also picked up some batting that I can use to practice free motion quilting (and it came with a small square ruler- exciting). Because they were on sale I decided to get curved safety pins to try for basting- maybe I'll stop pricking myself so much. And then I bought some Gutterman thread to try. I hear it is a lot better than Coats & Clark...
I also got in a book I ordered a few days ago from Amazon, it was free with points, but I got it used and it was only a dollar and shipping, so about $5. The book is about time saving quilting, and it is nothing revolutionary (though it may have been when it was published) using many of the strip piecing and flag-strip sewing techniques I've always used. There were a few new ideas in it (like wacking off the side of a unit block when set on the diagonal, rather than quilting individual pieces for those areas) and a few cut patterns. More "traditional" than "modern" quilting, although a lot of modern quilting seems to just be color choice (lots of white!)
Finally, on Friday I stopped off at local quilt store. The lady at the shop was fantastic, very nice, very helpful. Many young quilters report that stores aren't welcoming, but this one was. I didn't really look at the fabric prices, but found out that their long-arm "license" class is an even better deal than I thought. Once you are "licensed" it is only $35 for 3 hours of use. The sad thing is most of their classes are Wed. at 4, when I'm just leaving work, so that only leaves me their Sat. classes, which aren't very many to choose from. I went in to find a marking pen, but she recommended NOT marking. Instead, I bought a book she uses for one of their free motion quilting classes. It is a tracing book (dry erase marker on transparency) of different meandering designs. It's a neat little booklet, and more about all over designs. (Most of my ideas of Freemotion Quilting come from Leah Day's awesome blog -
freemotionquilting.blogspot.com - and she mostly does filler designs.)
Now, I am putting together some quilt sandwiches to practice the free motion quilting. Then I'll decide whether to FMQ my new top, or to just stitch in the ditch. (I gotta say- I am LOVING it. Every block I pick up and think "ooh, I love those colors")