Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Stashing away...

Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Really cool!
I think I mentioned Kevin recently got a lathe. He made his first pen tonight. It is pretty awesome. Sometimes I wish I was good at everything I try like he is...he is really really talented at most things he does. Maybe he just picks all the right things to try.
Only problem with the new hobby: our pen drawers are already over flowing... But really the pen is very nice! So cool.
Monday, November 28, 2011
Cyber Monday...
We did buy some DVDs off Amazon. DVD watching is essential for us when we are cable-less. We got the first season of Arrested Development (thought about getting all 3, but we decided we'd rather have variety), the second season of Modern Family, the 5th season of the Flintstones and the 2nd season of Animaniacs. All for $50!
And Kevin's pajama pants are officially done! I had to hem them another two inches from this picture. I really don't like hemming, but I used my #10 edge stitch foot, and it made it it so perfect. Well, assuming I measured and pressed perfectly, the hem is perfect- haha. I basted the hem for Kevin to try on in the #11 needle position, then sewed it one position to the left, and the lines never crossed each other. I love that precision! So while the hem may not be perfectly even, it is perfectly even with my pressing.
Kevin is pretty happy with the pants. He doesn't gush about how wonderful they are and how marvelously talented I am like I think he should, but he seems to appreciate them. The fly worked on the second try- I think I followed the (incredibly confusing) directions wrong on the muslin, when I sewed the fly shut. I still think that the fly is too high- on his boxers, it is closer to the seam where the backs/fronts/sides meet. When I cut off 3" from the waist, I did move it down a little, but I didn't want to mess up the crotch curve, but now I just think the curve is too long.
(back view so you can see fit...sort of. These are clearly too long- this is with a 4" hem. This pattern is drafted for a high waisted giant.)
Oh well, he rarely wears pajama pants anyway- he sleeps in shorts because he gets too hot (which doesn't make sense as he is always complaining he is cold...) But for when he needs them, these are better than the pair from last year.
BTW- are you wondering how the change from the muslin went? This picture illustrates pretty well how WAY too high the waist was.
Do you think the fabric is too girly? We decided to call it "regal" but really, it's just fabric I had in my stash. Seemed using up what I had made more sense than buying new when it is just a pair of rarely to be worn pants. (Honestly though, I think they are awesome and he should wear them daily!)
Sunday, November 27, 2011
I love it!
Look what Kevin made me! A 90 spool thread rack! We worked out that with a coupon I might as well have bought it, but everytime I look at it I am going to smile because my husband made it for me. It will be wall mounted because I have no space. I told him he should probably start another because I really hope to get embroidery thread for christmas, and have more quilting thread on the way.
What kind of thread do people use for garment.sewing? O mostly have dual duty, but the Bernina people tell you not to use it (I do anyway, at least until it is gone...)
Kevin's pajama pants turned out well, will post once I get a photo shoot, but he is busy cooking tonight.
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Well, that's what a muslin is for...
Kevin wants a new pair of pajama pants. The last pair did not feature a fly. So I found Simplicity 4381 which does.
The waist to crotch of the pattern looked huge, so I used some scraps to mock up a pair of shorts. Well, I was right. Kevin tried them on and the two of us were ROLLING in laughter. I mean, if you wear the waist at the waist (or just below) these pants are for a man with a package the size of an elephant! I'm going to remove 3" in length.
The other problem discovered, when the directions are followed exactly, the fly is a mock fly! It gets sewn shut, but I figured out easily how to fix that.
Tomorrow, the real thing.
Friday, November 25, 2011
Feet for sale...
I bought this 4 foot quilting set for $40, the open toe darning foot has been used, the walking foot (with guide bar) gently used, and the open toe foot and stitch in the ditch foot have not been used at all.
They are for Kenmore machines with horizontal bobbins. This foot set revolutionized my sewing, as it started me really quilting, but they do not work for my current machine.
I'm hoping to get $25 including shipping in the US. Interested?
Black Friday...
To do my part for the economy I went up to North Liberty to Common Threads Quilt Shop (I refuse to write Shoppe- I hate that, it almost makes me not want to shop there) where she was having a 20% off sale. I wanted a Quilting Celebrations magazine, but she was already all out. I ended up getting Patrick Lose's "Poster Quilts", which was an expensive book, and I'm kind of thinking I shouldn't have gotten it, but I hate leaving a little store like that empty handed. I also bought a kindle cover pattern. I have so many Christmas gifts to sew now!
On the way home, I went to Walmart. It was DESERTED. No one to be seen. I bought some towels and pillowcases to embroider.
I also stopped at Hobby Lobby (there were more people there then Walmart, but not by much) and got a Fons and Porter Half and Quarter triangle ruler. I'm excited!
I haven't placed the order yet, but I plan on taking advantage of Planet Applique's awesome sale too. 70 cent appliques and $3.40 alphabets!
Why in the world do stores open so late at night? Is it so we can get our shopping done in time to watch football games? I drove by the mall last night, just to see the line, and the line for best buy circled all the way around outside almost to the Children's Museum (that means nothing to you if you haven't seen our mall...). Whatever deal they have- there is no way 3/4 of those people were getting what they were hoping for! Heck, even if everyone just wanted 1 DVD I doubt they have enough! Target also had an insane line. What's the point?
This year, I skipped Joann's flannel sale. Skating was just more important, and I am looking forward to Connecting Threads and Fabric.com's Cyber Monday sale (CT's starts Sunday...) I promised Kevin new pajama pants though. I have some "regal" purple flannel from last year, and he said that was okay. It's not manly, but he isn't wearing them outside the house.
Right now I'm quilting guild charity quilts. When I finish this one up it is time to start Christmas gifts! Oh, and do a little more homework...
Thursday, November 24, 2011
The first annual we have no friends game day has begun! Unfortunately all of our friends have moved, or traveled out of town to visit family, and we cannot travel.this thanksgiving, so it is just Kevin and I today. We are enjoying each others company, and are thankful for many things, though we miss our family and friends!
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Really oreo?
So I've never been a fan of oreos, but Kevin got some recently and they were yummy. While shopping I saw mint oreos that are yummier. I checked the calorie count on them and it was slightly lower.
BUT they having a serving size of 2. Regular oreos have a serving size of 3.
That is just plain annoying.
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Kevin does the grocery shopping...
4 things of coke ($11, plus deposit)
A gallon of milk (about $3)
15 powerades ($10)
2 cans diced tomatoes (about $3)
Frozen Corn ($2.50)
Peppers (70 cents)
Onion (70 cents)
And yet, my bill came to about $100.
This is why I should not grocery shop. I also got:
3 packages of frozen stir fry vegetables
Pasta sauce
Fruit Roll Ups
2 cans Tomato Sauce
6 kool aid packages
Pasta Shells
Tikki Masala Sauce
Mango Salsa
2 cans of Wolf Chili
These things were not on my list. But all very yummy. And really, only the Nutella and croutons were things I shouldn't have bought...
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Stress free weekend?
You see, in every class, in Week 4 and Week 8 I have to write a self-assessment paper. I would much rather write a test. Or a paper about a topic of the class. But a paper about my own learning, so not something I like to do.
I have been putting it off ALL day. In fact, my general process for writing these is to sit and stare for about 5 hours, then spend 2-3 writing. Well, my sit and staring process has gone on for more than 5 hours now.
Fortunately, I have something great to stare at. The Grand Prix of Figure Skating is going on right now and while I got to watch a little bit of it yesterday at work, today, I watched a lot! I woke up at 6:30 this morning to watch the men's freeskate (a disaster), then missed the pairs while I went and skated myself (knee is bothering me, but it was good ice), then came home, determined to write, but watched ladies instead. I skipped the first group of dance, but watched the second. For the past four years, I haven't had an icenetwork subscription, but instead just read play-by-play posts on FSU. Now, for men's and ladies, I really like writing PBP. I'm so not good at calling jumps, especially when half asleep (I did much better later in the afternoon). I like to compare to the protocols to see how I did. I do better with clockwise jumpers too.
Only then did I write my paper. I now have everything but the introduction and the conclusion, but what am I doing? Watching America's Next Top Model...
I have no discipline! I need to get it done today, or else I won't get to quilt tomorrow. Weekends shouldn't be for homework.
Thursday, November 17, 2011
I give up...
I missed blotting yesterday and have nothing to say to day. I am a blog post writing month failure.
Failing at blog writing sucks less than I imagine failing at novel writing would. Glad I didn't try that.
I am so looking forward to next week and a long weekend of sewing. This week has sucked, and this weekend is shaping up to be sewing free :(
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Monday, November 14, 2011
So tired...
Tonight is the monthly quilt guild meeting, but I am so tired I don't think I will enjoy it at all. This makes me mad because I wait all month for things like this. Why am I always so tired?
Don't say low iron. Last time I tried to give blood, my iron was fine!
Edit: I'm glad I went. It was a good program, I picked up 3 charity quilts that need quilting, and I won 2 fat quarters as a door prize. The program was "naked quilting" which is the next short cut from strip quilting. It was all about taking traditional construction and reducing seams. I've been doing this for years, if only because I didn't know the traditional way. Turns out my laziness is a technique. (I don't think it always works though. Sometimes missing seems changes the look of a quilt. Maybe not from a moving horse, but when is that ever how we really view these things?)
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Curly hair day...
When my hair is long, I always wear it up. It is just a pain to have it down. I just never know how it will dry...puffy? Frizzy? Triangular? But too be different today I wore my hair down. Kevin says he like it better than when I wear it up. What do you think?
(sadly, it is impractical for work...it took 3 hours to dry)
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Kevin has a new toy...
He got a lathe. I have no idea why! But he turned this nifty little Christmas ornament.
That's all for today. I am so unbelievably tired.
Friday, November 11, 2011
Embroidery Trick!
The large hoop that came with my embroidery machine is indeed large. I'd like to get a smaller one so I don't have to waste so much stabilizer. Stabilizer is expensive- but honestly, so are hoops!
Joann's has Sulky stabilizer on the notions wall, and recently it was half off. Before I buy the OESD stuff the dealer recommends (WAY expensive) I wanted to try this stuff. So far, I really like it.
I bought 8 1/4" width, because my hoop is just slightly smaller than that. But I didn't take into account the over hang needed. Uh-oh. 8 1/4" is just a little too small.
But I found a way to make it work. Tape a line of packaging tape to the edge (about 1/2" in) of the stabilizer. Turn it over and tape down another strip to de-sticky the tape.
Hoop up the stabilizer! The packaging tape works as the over hang. In most cases, it doesn't even get into the "free" area of the hoop, instead being below the upper hoop, but if it hangs over at all, it is just barely- so as long as you aren't planning on embroidering all the way to the edge of the hoop, it works.
This is going to save me a bundle, because wider stabilizer would be more expensive, and create more waste, but packaging tape is cheap.
Thursday, November 10, 2011
I actually did some knitting today. This sock has been stuck at row 1 of the gusset since April, and now it is on row 10. Metal needles hurt my hands. I have no idea why I am using them. Are all my wood 1.5s taken?
Kevin just got a lathe. Maybe he can turn me new ones...
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Why is Internet so expensive...
...and why do they insist on playing games with price.
Our bundle deal ran out so we canceled our cable and phone, but intended to keep the internet. The price quoted by mediacom was about $70. No way. Kevin called a few times to try to get some other deal (even if it meant we had to get cable) but no dice.
After the frustrating experience of trying to find century link's prices, we finally went with them (no additional phone required, like quest used to). Kevin calls mediacom and they offer us about the same as century link...to little to late guys!
So now Kevin is trying to get our old modem to work. Thankfully I finished homework early, so if Kevin needs to mess up the internet he can.
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Day 8: I've got nothing today
In other news, my knee is not good right now. I've made it almost all year without going to PT, so I hope it just gets better, but I have my doubts. I did NOTHING to it. I have no idea why it hurts so badly. But it does... I can't walk on stairs, sit cross legged, stand up out of my car, or jump in ice skating. The only thing I can think of is that my knee is allergic to the Bronze freestyle test, and it knew I was getting close to meeting the passing standard :(
Oh well, off to homework.
Monday, November 7, 2011
Day 7: another cool embroidery thing...
No stabilizer required. Just place the quilt sandwich into the hoop and get your quilting design started. the bottom looks as good as the top. I am loving this for quilts I want a really nice look on, since my FMQing is still not fantastic. They say you can do really large quilts too. I plan to try a twin (the top I finished ages ago) when my CD of designs comes in. I had to get my second choice CD though...my first choice was download only so it wouldn't count towards all the awesome promotions they were running.
I did a trial run of one of my Christmas presents last night. Hope to make it this weekend. Applique letters!
(Edit to add: wow, that is an awful picture. Sorry folks!)
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Day 6: Applique
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Day 5: Cool Embroidery Thing #2

This was a really cool technique. And if I can ever afford stabilizer, one I see myself using more in the future.
One website I found: PlanetApplique.com has adorable alphabets and designs, so I will probably make some holiday towels as a Christmas present.
I need more thread!
Friday, November 4, 2011
Day 4
...and already I have nothing to say. I have more embroidery to show, but I am so tired I have not taken pictures yet.
I listened to the Book of Mormon musical today. Most of the songs were really good. I imagine the show has some great dance numbers, based on the music. I definetly want to see it. One song, which had a great beat, was so vulgar I nearly turned it off. Unfortunate because it may have been one of the best songs otherwise.
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Day 3: Cool Embroidery Thing #1

I actually didn't get to make this one in the class, but everyone with fancy machines did. Those of us with Aurora's that connect through laptops weren't able to. They uploaded the designs to our machines using a *gasp* non-Bernina USB stick. Oddly enough, it made a difference. The design would not transfer to our machines. Once they got a Bernina USB and retransfered, it worked fine, but this design takes about 40 minutes to stitch out, and there wasn't time left.
I made it as soon as I got home, and it worked perfectly.
I mentioned that I got some free Christmas collections, and I didn't take any of the lace ones. I didn't think it was something I'd want to do at all. However, now that I have my bookmark- I think this is SO COOL. I wish I had been able to stitch it at the class, I may have made different decisions for my freebies.
For those who have no idea how this is done, you use a water soluable stabilizer - 2 pieces for strength, there are A LOT of stitches in this, almost 20,000- and sew the design onto it. Then you wash it away and all you have left is the lace.
You can make three-dimensional things by joining together the lace (like Christmas ornaments) or use these to adorn clothes (like a lace applique on a skirt). This is a bookmark.
The yellow piece is some fabric that is sewn into the lace using the applique technique we learned. I actually don't like that part very much, but the bookmark is cool, and the Isacord thread is a beautiful color and sheen.
In other news, I got home yesterday and had a check in the mail from Bernina. Apparently my machine had a $100 rebate on it. So I take back all the mean things about yesterday being too expensive. Apparently, they covered it :)
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Day 2: Bernina Mastery Class
Today I spent the day in Cedar Rapids learning how to use the embroidery module on my Aurora 430. Let me tell you- this thing is COOL.
When you buy a Bernina, one of the selling points is lifetime "free" mastery classes. Pine Needles kind of sells this in an off putting way. They tell you "all your classes will be free". But they don't mean all the classes they offer, just the Bernina Mastery series- and many of them (heirloom sewing, garment sewing, home decor) are rarely offered. The "Meet My New Bernina", the embroidery class, and the class for the Bernina Stitch Regulator (which I don't have) seem to be the most common.
Anyhow- after waiting a few months for the embroidery class to show up on a Saturday, I gave in and took the day off work to take it. Of course, the calendar for November was put out yesterday and the weekend after Thanksgiving, the class is offered on Saturday- sigh.
So, they tell you that these classes are free. And yes, the classes are free ($75 if you bought your machine elsewhere). The supplies, are not. Which is to be expected, but they are EXPENSIVE. The kits for the class (you need 3) are 8.95, 12.95, and 5.95. The bonus is that if you got your machine at Pine Needles, then it is 20% off. Okay- so $22.28 plus tax for kits- I can totally stomach that.
But unlike the Meet Your New Bernina class, this class's kits didn't come with thread or needles. So I bought Isacord thread online to save money- I got an assortment, as required, but I only used 3 today, so that's another $12 (more if you bought them in store, plus you have to use Seraline bobbin thread and that is $9.95 . Then the needles are $5.25 for a pack of 10 Organ brand embroidery sharps (only need 1). So now the kit price is up to $49.30, plus tax. Still- reasonable for an all day class, I think. (The kicker: we never even used one of the kits! Ran out of time and got sent home with instructions!)
But here is what has me annoyed. They never mentioned when telling me the price of kits that I'd also have to buy a CD of embroidery designs specifically for the class (which means they aren't ones I necessarily care for). The price: $55! Fifty-five dollars for 10 designs, of which we used 4, and have instructions to use another 1. The software that comes with the machine comes pre-loaded with designs! Why not use those?
So now my class is over $100!!! Over $100 for materials for a single class is just too much!
But, I actually spent twice that, and I'm pretty well over the cost of the embroidery designs due to a deal they were running. They had all their embroidery packs on buy 2 get 1 free, and our class kit counted as 1. Then, all their premium packs were $30 off.
So, I got an adorable set of Current Calendar designs (99 designs) for $100, and a set of quilting designs (you can quilt in the hoop!) for free ($55 value). But they also had a deal where every $60 you spent you got a pack of 13 Christmas designs for free. and for some reason they gave me credit for buying the free pack, so I got three sets. Two of the three are actually really cute designs, so I'm pretty pleased with the value. (They are marked $89, $79, and $25)
All told, my day at my free class cost me $200, but I came home with a lot of designs,
So, now I have a ton of embroidery designs, but no money to buy stabilizer, and a quilting design CD on order- and that one I could actually use- you don't have to stabilize quilts to embroider.
I bet you want to see pictures of everything, but, well, I have a lot of blog posts to write this month, so you will just have to wait.
Also- if you hear me talking about buying ANYTHING else this month, yell at me. I need to start saving money again!
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
National Blog Post Writing Month...
But I did read a few blogs that plan to post everyday this month- I don't think I'll be able to do it, but might as well try to get Day 1 done!
Right now I am putting off homework that I should have done last night anyway- but Halloween was a really good reason to put off homework!
You know what the problem with my blog is- not enough pictures. Anyone have content ideas for the next month? I'll write about any good ideas commented. Want a tutorial on any of my sewing things? Except the pictorial quilts, because I can't give away someone's class, I'll make one.